Your child at 15 – 17 Years
Positive Parenting Tips
Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your teen during this time:
- Talk with your teen about her concerns and pay attention to any changes in her behavior. Ask her if she has had suicidal thoughts, particularly if she seems sad or depressed. Asking about suicidal thoughts will not cause her to have these thoughts, but it will let her know that you care about how she feels. Seek professional help if necessary.
- Show interest in your teen’s school and extracurricular interests and activities and encourage him to become involved in activities such as sports, music, theater, and art.
- Encourage your teen to volunteer and become involved in civic activities in her community.
- Compliment your teen and celebrate his efforts and accomplishments.
- Show affection for your teen. Spend time together doing things you enjoy.
- Respect your teen’s opinion. Listen to her without playing down her concerns.
- Encourage your teen to develop solutions to problems or conflicts. Help your teenager learn to make good decisions. Create opportunities for him to use his own judgment, and be available for advice and support.
- If your teen engages in interactive internet media such as games, chat rooms, and instant messaging, encourage her to make good decisions about what she posts and the amount of time she spends on these activities.
- If your teen works, use the opportunity to talk about expectations, responsibilities, and other ways of behaving respectfully in a public setting.
- Talk with your teen and help him plan ahead for difficult or uncomfortable situations. Discuss what he can do if he is in a group and someone is using drugs or under pressure to have sex, or is offered a ride by someone who has been drinking.
- Respect your teen’s need for privacy.
- Encourage your teen to get enough sleep and exercise, and to eat healthy, balanced meals.
Safety First
You play an important role in keeping your child safe―no matter how old he or she is. Here are a few ways to help protect your child:
- Talk with your teen about the dangers of driving and how to be safe on the road. You can steer your teen in the right direction. “Parents Are the Key”( has steps that can help. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death from unintentional injury among teens, yet few teens take measures to reduce their risk of injury.
- Remind your teen to wear a helmet when riding a bike, motorcycle, or all-terrain vehicle. Unintentional injuries resulting from participation in sports and other activities are common.
- Talk with your teen about suicide and pay attention to warning signs. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth 15 through 24 years of age.
- Talk with your teen about the dangers of drugs, drinking, smoking, and risky sexual activity. Ask him what he knows and thinks about these issues, and share your feelings with him. Listen to what he says and answer his questions honestly and directly.
- Discuss with your teen the importance of choosing friends who do not act in dangerous or unhealthy ways.
- Know where your teen is and whether a responsible adult is present. Make plans with her for when she will call you, where you can find her, and what time you expect her home.
Healthy Bodies
- Encourage your teen to get enough sleep and physical activity, and to eat healthy, balanced meals. Make sure your teen gets 1 hour or more of physical activity each day.
- Keep television sets out of your teen’s bedroom.
- Encourage your teen to have meals with the family. Eating together will help your teen make better choices about the foods she eats, promote healthy weight, and give family members time to talk with each other. In addition, a teen who eats meals with the family is more likely to get better grades and less likely to smoke, drink, or use drugs, and also less likely to get into fights, think about suicide, or engage in sexual activity.
Developmental Milestones
How your child plays, learns, speaks, and acts offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.
If you have questions or concerns about how your child is learning, behaving or developing, dial 1-800-505-7000 to speak to a Care Coordinator at Child Development Infoline.
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Thinking & Learning
- Learn more defined work habits.
- Show more concern about future school and work plans.
- Be better able to give reasons for their own choices, including about what is right or wrong.

Related Resources
- AAP’s- Healthy Children
- Act Early Connecticut
- ADA – The Americans with Disabilities Act
- AFCAMP- Advocacy for Children with Disabilities
- Animal Assisted Therapy
- Assistive Technology
- Asthma
- Austism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
- Autism Services & Resources Connecticut
- Autism Speaks
- Bullying
- CDC Child Development Information
- Charter Schools
- Child Guidance Clinics
- Childhood Obesity
- Choose My Plate
- Connecticut FAVOR, Inc.
- Coping with Violent/Traumatic Events
- CT Down Syndrome Congress
- CT Family Support Network
- CT Hands and Voices
- CT Parent Advocacy Center
- CT Parenting
- Divorcing Parents Parenting Education Programs (PEP)
- Ear Infections in Children
- Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Program (EPSDT)
- Education for Homeless Children
- Family Support Grant
- Help for Children With Learning Disabilities
- Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal
- How to Find Sign Language Instruction Classes in Connecticut
- Important Milestones
- Interdistrict Magnet Schools
- Katie Beckett Waiver
- Kids Health
- Kids Mental Health Info
- NEAT Marketplace
- No Child Left Behind
- PATH Parent-to-Parent Family Voices
- PBS Parents
- Sickle Cell Disease / Sickle Cell Trait
- Special Education
- The Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Vehicle Adaptations
- Walk CT
See all Resources